Rainbow Shower Tree

“Rainbow Shower Tree is a stunning tree having clusters of flowers with various colors! It can grow to around 12 meters or 40 feet tall and is a hybrid between Amaltas and Java cassia. It is one of Thailand’s nine auspicious trees and is said to bring good luck, ensure continued high rank and afford […]

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Rain Tree

“Rain Tree is a beautiful ornamental tree. The name “”rain tree”” was coined in tropical India due to the moisture that collects on the ground under the tree. Some specimens can reach over 200 feet in height. A few common names for it include Monkey pod, East Indian walnut, Shirish in Bengali & Gujarati and […]

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“Quince is a deciduous tree growing to 26 feet in height. It is a popular fruit tree whose fruits resemble a pear. They are light to golden yellow in colour, extremely aromatic and are perfect for turning into jelly and jams. The flowers blossom in spring and the fruits can be harvested in autumn. Although […]

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Queensland silver wattle

“Queensland silver wattle is popular for its fluffy golden-yellow flowers! It is fast growing tree that is widely cultivated across Australia for its decorative masses of bright golden-yellow flowers and silvery-grey foliage. Its fruits are found in mid-spring while its flowers bloom in winter. ”

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Queen of the Night

“Queen of the Night’s fragrant flowers bloom at night! Also called “”Night-Blooming Jasmine””, it can grow to 4 meters or 13 feet in height. Its tubular flowers are green to creamy white in colour and are followed by shiny white berries. The fragrance of its flowers is so powerful that it can be detected from […]

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“Pygmy Forests are unique forests of miniature trees and shrubs. The growth of these trees has been inhibited by the poor soil fertility and wetness of the soil that restricts the growth of vegetation and induces a dwarf condition. These trees may be 100 or more year old and are able to survive in this […]

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Prickly Pear

“Galápagos Giant Prickly Pear in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador grows tall to survive tortoises! It is a prickly pear cacti with towering trunks that can reach over 40 feet or 12 meters high. On islands without tortoises, the cacti does not grow towering trunks, however, on tortoise occupied islands, the cacti grow large and […]

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Potato Tree

“Potato Tree is native to North and South America. It is fast-growing evergreen tree reaching a height of up to 8 meters or 26 feet. It gets its name from the broken roots that smells like cooked potatoes. Most parts of it are used in modern and traditional medicine. Pharmaceutical uses include the manufacturing of […]

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“Ponytail Palm is an evergreen tree native to Mexico. It can grow to around 15 feet in height and one of the longest surviving trees is around 350 years old. It stores water at the bottom of its stem which appears swollen and hence the common name “”Elephant’s foot or Bottle Palm””. It has been […]

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Ponderosa Pine

“Ponderosa Pine is native to USA and Canada. It is an evergreen tree that can grow to heights of over 200 feet. The tallest tree is recorded at 268.29 ft and can be found in Portland, Oregon. Native Americans used the inner bark as food and the sap as a chewing gum. It has also […]

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