“Papuan Wattle is an evergreen tree native to Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Australia. It is a fast-growing tree, can grow to around 100 feet in height and can be planted to prevent soil erosion. Its flowers attract bees and is a good source of pollen for honey production. The bark is used in tanning […]
Osage Orange
“Osage Orange tree can grow to 50+ feet in height. Despite the name, it is not related to the orange. The fruit ripens from September to October and resembles an orange that weighs more than a kilogram. Previously, it was planted as a field hedge, before barbed wire became available and to stabilize soils and […]
Orchid Tree
“Orchid Tree is native to parts of India. It is considered one of the world’s most beautiful trees for its beautiful bloom that lasts several months. In India, it is locally called “”Kachnar”” in Hindi and can reach a height of 40 feet. A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department to commemorate […]
Orange Wild Rhea
“Orange Wild Rhea can grow to over 15 feet in height. It is native to parts of East Asia. The fruit is edible, sweet and ripens from October to February while the flowers can be found from July to September. A fiber extracted from its bark is very strong and is used in making rope, […]
“The Orangutan, the world’s largest tree-climbing mammal, dwells on trees! It is also one of the most intelligent of all tree-dwelling animals and is considered the king of trees. It spends nearly all its time in the forest canopy where it feeds, sleeps, breeds and raises its young. An orangutan’s arms can reach a length […]
Old-growth forest
“Old-growth forest is one that has achieved great age without much disturbance and thereby exhibits unique ecological features. It is also known as primary forest, virgin forest, primeval forest, late seral forest and in Britain as ancient woodland. Trees here can be from a few hundred to over a thousand years old. It has diverse […]
Ohio Buckeye
“Ohio Buckeye is a slow growing tree native to Pennsylvania and Nebraska and reaches heights over 40 feet. It is a drought adaptive tree and has minimal insect and disease problems. It is considered an excellent choice for many landscapes because of its beautiful early orange foliage. Buckeye candy, though, doesn’t have any ingredients from […]
Oak Alley Plantation
“Oak Alley Plantation, a National Historic Landmark in USA, has a unique alley of trees! This historic plantation is located on the west bank of the Mississippi River in Louisiana, USA. It is named for its unique visual feature, an alley or canopied path created by a double row of southern live oak trees about […]
Norway Maple
“Norway Maple is native to Europe and Asia. It can grow to around 100 feet tall. Its flowers appear in corymbs or flower clusters of 15 to 30 yellow to yellow-green with five sepals and five petals. The flowers can be found in early spring before the new leaves emerge. In its native range and […]
Myrtle Beech
“Myrtle Beech is an evergreen tree native to Australia. It can reach a height of 180 feet and is also known as Tasmanian Myrtle. Myrtle beech forests can survive light fires and regenerate from seeds that take several hundred years to grow into forests. It flowers from November to January and the fruit ripens from […]