Bears of Kazakh forests

  In these Kazakh forests, bears, being the picky buggers that they are, would only pick and eat the sweetest apples. They would then wander around and when they would poop, the seeds of these sweet, delicious apples would spread around. American researchers have already begun to take 20,000 seedlings from this forest for a […]

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  Bael or Stone Apple is the Hindu God Shiva’s tree! Maha Shivaratri, the annual festival in reverence of Shiva is mainly celebrated by offering Bael leaves. Bael is regarded as one of the sacred trees of Indian heritage where the fruit is also used in religious rituals. Its fruit can be eaten fresh or […]

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Atlas Cedar

  Atlas Cedar produces an aromatic oil that naturally deters insects! It is named after the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa, where you can find the tree in its natural habitat. It can grow to 35 meters or 114 feet tall. It is planted at the White House South Lawn in Washington, DC USA. President […]

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  Araguaney is the national tree of Venezuela! Native to South America, its deep yellow resembles the one on the Venezuelan flag. It can grow to around 12 meters or 40 feet. Its golden yellow flowers are trumpet shaped with broadening corolla of deep yellow colour. They blossom from February to April, are about 2 […]

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Alerce Tree

  The Alerce Tree was discovered in 1993 in a grove in the Andes Mountains of Chile! It is a majestic evergreen tree and scientists estimate the giant is 3,620 years old. Although Patagonian cypresses can reach 150 feet or around 46 meters in height, they gain only a millimeter in girth each year and […]

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386 years old tree

  One of the first fruit trees planted in America is still alive at 386 years! It may be hard to believe but one of America’s earliest settlers is still alive today and bearing fruit after 386 years. Among the first wave of immigrants to the New World was an English Puritan named John Endicott […]

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  Mudskippers are very territorial fishes. Males become very aggressive, especially during the mating season, when another male enters it’s territory. Males perform push-ups and jump high in the air and expose their dorsal fins before they return into the water to impress females. The Mudskippers’ fins have adapted so they can walk, jump, swim […]

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