The Trees Are Alive!

What if trees were made of flesh and blood as we are? Russian Artist Yeka Haski started this project to show that killing a tree is a murder by painting “”ossubuco”” meaning cross-cut veal shanks on the trees felled. She’s drawing attention to the illegal felling of trees and deforestation in the area of Kavgolovo […]

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Wood Apple

“Wood Apple is native to India and surrounding countries. It can reach a height of around 30 feet and is planted for its fruits that are similar to bael. The fruit when ripe is rich in Vitamin A, B and some amount of Vitamin C. There are multiple uses of this tree around Southeast Asia. […]

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White Mulberry

“White Mulberry is native to China. It can grow to around 20 meters or 60 feet high. It is widely grown for its fruit that can be eaten fresh, preserved or dried for winter use. It is a popular tree for silkworm feed and has been planted in China for a very long time. It […]

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White Leadtree

“White Leadtree is native to parts of Mexico and Central America. It is fast-growing tree and can reach up to 20 meters or 65 feet in height. It produces white flowers tinged with yellow resembling mimosa and long flattened pods. Its legumes provide an excellent source of high-protein cattle fodder and is also planted for […]

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White Cedar

“White Cedar is native to parts of Canada and USA. It can grow to over 20 meters or 66 feet tall and widely planted for ornamental purposes. It is an important tree to the traditional Ojibwe or Native American culture. It was honored with the name Nookomis Giizhik (Grandmother Cedar) as it is considered a […]

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White Carpathians trail

“White Carpathians trail, with a UNESCO World Heritage site, is in Czech Republic. This trail is on the westernmost part of the Carpathian Mountains and is located on the border of Slovakia and Czech Republic. The tall slender trees of this path will immediately transport you to another world. It was declared a UNESCO Biosphere […]

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White Bark Acacia

“White Bark Acacia’s color of leaves, flowers and bark make it a beautiful ornamental tree. It can grow to 35 meters or 115 feet tall and its yellowish white flowers appear during the rainy season. Its pods and germinated seeds are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. In traditional medicine, the bark is used as […]

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Western Yew

“Western Yew is a coniferous tree native to North America. It can grow up to 20 meters or 65 feet in height. Native Americans used various parts of it for medicinal and other purposes. A chemotherapy drug paclitaxel is derived from this tree and used in treating various cancers.”

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West Indian locust

“West Indian locust is native to South America. It can grow to over 130 feet high. Its fruit is a pod that matures during the monsoons and is a major food for the indigenous population. The pulp contains soluble fibers that dissolve easily in water or milk and is one of the richest vegetable foods […]

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