DCB Bank has proved that they truly value their customers by committing to create a greener tomorrow for them!
They have adopted 2 projects, of 25, 000 trees each, one in the Kolar region of Karnataka–to generate rural employment and the other on the Periphery of the Sitamata Wildlife Sanctuary in Rajasthan to protect the habitat of the leopard.
In the words of their MD & CEO, Mr. Murali M. Natrajan:
“Vruksho Rakshathi Rakshitah – One who protects trees is protected.
I am going to do my bit. Join hands with me.”

Pit Digging
In India, forest products benefit the rural communities to secure their food needs, income, and meet their primary energy requirements (according to FAO report (2014) India, food energy accounts for about 13% of total primary energy supply (TPES)).
50,000 trees supported by DCB Bank, will create approximately 4,092 workdays of jobs in the nursery and planting activities alone and is expected offset 1,000,000 kgs of carbon/year once mature. The age of maturity of trees varies from species to species, typically 7-8 years, depending on environmental factors.

Forest resources are revered as sources of social, environmental and economic benefits for rural people in developing countries. Restoring forest land would contribute to sustainable development, promote food security, contribute towards soil and water conservation in many fragile ecosystems and play a vital role in mitigating climate change.
hi admin,
the environment should be preserved at all costs and more and more tree should be planted by us.