Temperate coniferous forests

“Temperate coniferous forests are found in regions that undergo warm summers and cool winters. Most contain evergreen conifers while some are a mix of conifers and broadleaf evergreen trees and or broadleaf deciduous trees. They are common in coastal areas of regions that have mild winters and heavy rainfall. The species of trees found in […]

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“Takoli is a beautiful tree when abundantly covered with flowers and young leaves. Its pale pink flowers can be found from the months of April to June. It is a large tree growing to 30 meters or around 100 feet tall. It has been used in traditional medicine to treat jaundice and diarrhoea. Common names […]

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Sweet Indrajao

“Sweet Indrajao is used to treat psoriasis! Its white flowers appear like snowflakes on a tree from a distance. The flowers have five white petals, found at the end of its branches and blossom from March to May. It is a deciduous tree reaching a height of around 15 meters or 50 feet. It has […]

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Sweet Chestnut

“Sweet Chestnut is a deciduous tree growing to over 100 feet. It is planted for its edible seeds/nuts contained in prickly husks and was a popular choice for landscaping in England from 18th to 19th century. The nuts are roasted or ground into flour and were once an important part of the Roman diet. It […]

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Suite Bleue

“Suite Bleue Tree House is a centuries-old majestic oak home located at La Piantata in Italy’s northern Lazio region. It is 8 metres off the ground amongst 12 hectares of lavender hills. This simple building was constructed in France by the Provence-based specialty firm La Cabane Perchée and transported to a sprawling field of lavender […]

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Strawberry Tree

“Strawberry Tree can grow to 30+ feet in height. The fruit is edible, sweet when red in colour and some say it is similar to a fig in taste while others say its bland. It is used to make jams and liqueurs. Some parts of this tree have been used as an antiseptic, astringent and […]

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