On April 7, 2018, the top performers of the Walk For A Cause campaign conducted by Larsen and Toubro Infotech, India for its employees, visited the village of Nimbhora in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra. Walk For A Cause is a unique initiative that allows users of the Impact App to raise funds for a cause of their […]
Croma supports the plantation of ‘Trees For Tigers’ on the Periphery of the Sariska Tiger Reserve
This year Croma–Indian retail chain for consumer electronics and durables, has supported the plantation of trees in our ‘Trees for Tigers’ project at Sariska Tiger Reserve in Alwar, Rajasthan. Over the past 5 years, Grow-Trees has planted a total of 2,50,000 trees on the Periphery of the Sariska Tiger Reserve. Year after year Grow-Trees has […]
Eco-feminism: bringing together two powerful forces
This year saw the completion of the 45th anniversary of the first ever ‘Chipko Movement’ (brought to the world’s attention by Google doodle). The Chipko Movement, first put to practice in 1973, was a watershed moment in Indian history for two reasons–first, the coming together of women to protect forest resources and second, a grassroots level […]
Blue Dart Express Limited plants trees to offset carbon and empower rural communities
Blue Dart Express Limited has planted a total of 1, 11, 000 trees across India with Grow-Trees.com to help offset the carbon footprint created by its operations. It is heartening to see corporations step forward and take responsibility for the environment, an aspect of our lives that we take for granted as a community. * […]
How to do away with plastic: a few helpful tips
60-100 millions of barrels of oil are used annually to manufacture a year’s worth of plastic needed worldwide. A staggering number, yet not altogether surprising considering we use some amount of plastic at almost every level of life. Basic necessities like food and water come in plastic containers (that are believed to leach chemicals and […]
Which laws govern the protection of forests in India?
Sustainable Management of forest resources falls within the scope of responsibilities of the Central and State Governments. The Indian Forest Act, 1927 provides the overarching legal framework for the management and protection of the nation’s forest resources but the formulation an implementation of programs is conducted by the state government, hence the rules and regulations […]
How has Bhutan become carbon negative?
Firstly, what does carbon negative mean exactly? Carbon–negative can be understood to mean that a nation or a region has larger carbon sinks than needed to offset its gross carbon emissions or it is engaging in activities that directly reduce that amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Effectively, it means the carbon emissions the country produces are […]
Trees in Indian Mythology and Spirituality
Trees in Indian Mythology and Spirituality Trees are revered in Indian culture for their many fine attributes such as medicinal benefits, providing food, helping moderate ambient temperatures, giving shade, recharging groundwater, all these things being essential to the existence of human beings, animals, insects, birds and microorganism that thrive on the benevolence of trees. Here […]
How many trees does planet Earth have?
As per a report published in Nature in 2015, we have an estimated number of 3 (three) trillion trees on our Earth! That’s roughly 400 trees for every person on our planet! Using data from existing studies and indexes and devising a strategic method to map tree density on a global scale. The project focused […]
Urban Forests: Why we need them
The human population in cities and urban centres are growing by the day which means an increasing stress on natural resources and urban infrastructure. Simply put, there is a pressing need for more trees in our cities to tackle health issues, economics, our sustainability quotient and food resilience, biodiversity conservation challenges and climate change. The […]