Garlic Vine

“Garlic Vine is native to South America and found in many countries including India. Yes, it does smell like garlic and can grow to 10 feet in height. It flowers twice a year and the flowers start off purple with a white throat and change to a lighter shade of lavender over time. You can […]

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Garden Hyacinth

“Garden Hyacinth is native to Southwest Asia. It was very popular in the 18th century and over 2,000 cultivars were grown in the Netherlands, its chief commercial producer. Another reason why its also called Dutch Hyacinth. The flowers are fragrant and can be found in shades of red, blue, white, orange, pink, violet and yellow. […]

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Fortingall Yew tree

“Britain’s oldest tree has started to change its sex! The Fortingall Yew tree is estimated to be around 5,000 years old. It can be found in Perthshire, Scotland and for hundreds of years it has been recorded as ‘male’ as it produces pollen, whereas female yews produce red berries. In a rare phenomenon baffling scientists, […]

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Flooded forest

“Flooded forest is a forest that is submerged with freshwater, either seasonally or permanently. It is also called freshwater swamp forests and often found along the lower reaches of rivers and around freshwater lakes. In the Amazon Basin of Brazil, a seasonally flooded forest is known as a várzea and igapó where varzea refers to […]

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Field Maple

“Field Maple can grow to 80+ feet in height. It is an attractive tree planted in lawns and along streets. The sap contains some amount of sugar that can be used as a drink or made into a syrup after boiling off the excess water. The concentration of sugar is much lower when compared to […]

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Ficus benjamina

“Ficus benjamina, is the official tree of Bangkok. It is commonly known as the weeping fig or Benjamin’s fig, is a species of flowering plant native to south and southeast Asia and Australia. This tree reaching 30 metres tall in natural conditions, with gracefully drooping branchlets and glossy leaves 6–13 cm, oval with an acuminate […]

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European Larch

“European Larch is native to parts of Europe. It can reach a height of 150 feet. The cones are long, red when immature that turn brown later and open to release the seeds when mature. The old cones remain on the tree for several years and turn grey or black. The bark is used in […]

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European Hornbeam

“European Hornbeam is a deciduous tree. It gets its name from the very hard wood of this tree that can take a horn-like polish. The wood was used in Europe to make yokes for oxen. Its average height is around 80 feet but it can reach around 100 feet in rare cases. It is a […]

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English hawthorn

“English hawthorn can grow up to 40 feet in height. The main feature is its white or pink flowers found in spring during the months of April to May. Its fruit is fleshy, red in colour and attracts birds. It is said to be a very valuable medicinal herb as it is used for treating […]

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Eastern Redbud

“Eastern Redbud is one of the first trees to bloom in spring. Its flowers are pink to purplish in colour that grow on twigs, branches and trunks. The tree can grow to 30+ feet in height. It is tolerant to fire and the bark was boiled by Native Americans to make tea to treat whooping […]

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