

“Sesbania is a fast-growing tree native to tropical areas of South-east Asia.

It can grow to around 15 feet in height and also called the hummingbird tree. It is planted widely as it adds organic matter to desert and other soils. During the breakdown of organic matter by microorganisms, compounds are formed that are resistant to decomposition – such as gums, waxes and resins. These compounds help bind together soil particles as granules or aggregates. A well-aggregated soil tills easily, is well aerated and has a high water infiltration rate. Vegetable growers can achieve higher yields, pest suppression and reduced soil erosion.

The nitrogen it captures from the atmosphere is around 45 feet or 100 pounds per acre. It is a popular tree planted among rice paddies, roads and gardens.

This tree is planted at our project in Sariska Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan.