Crack Willow is often found along the banks of streams and rivers. It is a fast-growing tree and can reach a height of 50 to 100 feet. It flowers from April to May and is known to attract wildlife. It gets its name as it is very susceptible to wind, ice and snow and parts […]
Crab’s Eye seed
“Crab’s Eye seeds were once used to weigh gold in India! Native to India, its seeds are called ratti in Hindi and are very consistent in weight. These seeds were used to weigh gold using a measure called a ‘Ratti’, where 8 Ratti is 1 Masha and 12 Masha is 1 Tola (11.6 Grams). In […]
Cocoa Tree
“Cocoa Tree is famous worldwide for its beans used in making chocolate. It can grow up to 30 feet in height and its fruit is long, yellow when ripe and called a pod. The pod contains around 20 to 60 seeds that is the main ingredient of chocolate. The seed contains a significant amount of […]
Coastal Maire
“Coastal Maire is native to New Zealand and some surrounding islands. It can grow to 20 feet in height. The berries are eaten by birds and can be found from January to April. Its flowers are white in colour and found from October to January. It is an attractive tree and known for its hard […]
Cloud forest
“A Cloud forest is also called a fog forest. The sun has a hard time breaking through this thick veil of clouds and this causes a slower rate of evaporation thus providing the plants with a bounty of life-giving moisture. Much of the moisture available to plants arrives in the form of fog drip, where […]
Christmas Tree
Christmas Trees absorb methane, a very potent greenhouse gas. Researchers at Lund University and Stockholm University in Sweden discovered that spruces, pines and firs are exceptionally adept at absorbing methane. This study suggests that trees might be rising to the challenge by absorbing methane out of the atmosphere in addition to carbon dioxide. Methane is […]
California’s street trees are worth $1 billion!
Scientists from the USDA Forest Service and the University of California, Davis decided to put a price tag on the trees lining California’s streets. Considering that trees combat climate change by taking in air pollutants and storing carbon, they offer a lot of value not just to citizens, but to the state. The price tag […]
Try Vrikshasana or the Tree Pose on International Yoga Day!
Pronounced as Vrik-shah-sana, this yoga posture replicates the graceful, steady stance of a tree. The Tree Pose requires you to keep your eyes open in order to maintain your body balance. How to I do the Tree Pose or Vrikshasana? Stand tall and straight with your arms by the side of the body. Bend your right knee […]
Chinese Yellow Wood
Chinese Yellow Wood can grow to 50 feet in height. It is a slow-growing deciduous tree that can tolerate dry, cold and heavy soil. Its white flowers appear in late spring and is planted as a common street tree.
Chinese Tulip
“Chinese Tulip tree can grow to around 40 meters or 131 feet in height. It is an attractive deciduous tree with green and orange leaves and tulip-shaped flowers. Its flowers are olive green to yellow in colour and bloom from May to June. They can go unnoticed on large trees as the flowers appear after […]